
Buy/view Healing Kundalini Symptoms

A kundalini awakening can be a frightening, confusing and lonely experience without proper guidance. In this book, Tara Springett offers highly efficient methods that she has used to help over a thousand clients to heal their kundalini symptoms. These techniques are explained in a very practical and accessible way, so that you can use them straight from this book.

You will also find a kundalini test that you can use to determine if your own kundalini has been awakened.

From the content:

  • Learn what kundalini fundamentally is and how it expands our consciousness.
  • Understand why the kundalini can cause so many unwelcome symptoms and is, nevertheless, a huge gift.
  • Discover how to navigate your kundalini process more successfully through using the Buddhist middle path
  • Learn how to overcome all unwelcome kundalini symptoms quickly and effectively through using simple exercises
  • Discover how to integrate this amazing development into your life and become very happy in the process.

Tara Springett M.A. has been in her own kundalini process since 1978. She has a Masters degree in education and has been a qualified psychotherapist since 1990. In 1997, she received her Tibetan Buddhist teachers’ permission to teach. Tara is the author of numerous self-help books. Since 2010, she has specialised in helping people suffering from kundalini symptoms. You can find hundreds of positive testimonials for her work on her various websites.

Read the introduction of HEALING KUNDALINI SYMPTOMS here

The book is available as hard copy and kindle version in all good bookshops and on the amazon websites. The German translation can be found here.

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A review of a reader:

I found the book very helpful in several ways. It’s a quick read, which drew me in and put me at ease. Tara speaks from the point of view of a teacher who understands much about the psychology involved in the Kundalini transformation experience. She describes more than a few methods to grapple with specific problems commonly encountered, and her tone is one of a mentor whose intricate knowledge of her own experience makes her trustworthy. She blends advice about the spiritual aspects of the kundalini process with the
self-healing aspects that are necessary in order to integrate this monumental experience. It’s a book I highly recommend for anyone undergoing personal transformation or anyone interested in what kundalini transformation entails. Thank you for letting me read your book, Tara! it’s one I will continue to reference for the foreseeable future.



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