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kundalini cover englishEnlightenment Through the Path of Kundalini

– A Guide to a Positive Spiritual Awakening and Overcoming Kundalini Syndrome

ENLIGHTENMENT THROUGH THE PATH OF KUNDALINI is written for everybody who wants to learn about the mysterious phenomenon of kundalini and use it to reach the pinnacle of human development – enlightenment.

The book is equally written for those who are going through an involuntary awakening and seeking help to alleviate their symptoms and make the best of this event.

You will learn:

  • What is kundalini and how does it help to reach enlightenment
  • How we change through a kundalini awakening
  • How to awaken the kundalini safely and slowly
  • How to overcome possible difficult symptoms in the process
  • How to use the kundalini energy to reach enlightenment

Tara Springett has been in her own kundalini process for nearly 30 years. She is a qualified Buddhist teacher since 1997 and a qualified psychotherapist since 1990. Tara has been helping clients from all over the world to successfully overcome symptoms of the kundalini syndrome since 2011.


The book is available as hard copy and kindle version in all good bookshops and on the amazon websites. The German translation can be found here.

Here you can purchase this 256-page ebook (as PDF) as an immediate download for the special discount price of $ 7.49 (app)/  £ 4.99 (25% cheaper than on amazon!)

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What others say

Karen M. Black, creator of Heart Explorations

Tara, thank you for writing the book that helped me recognize that (after years of awakening) my kundalini may be active. Also, that an awakening kundalini is not necessarily accompanied by balls of energy up the spine and that there are many, many other awakening symptoms. This is an intelligent and grounded book, that in my opinion fills in a much-needed gap. Your writing is clear and compassionate and your personal kundalini awakening stories were so helpful. I highly recommend you book to everyone who’s on an awakening path!  www.karenmblack.com

Barbara, Yoga teacher

As someone who had a kundalini awakening entirely by chance (be careful with those yoga practices, friends) I’ve been reading voraciously on the topic ever since. Tara’s book approaches kundalini in one of the more sensible ways out there. I especially appreciated her idea that we still need to address our personal issues as individuals, even when we have an inkling we are also something greater than that. Very helpful book.

Enlightenment Through the Path of Kundalini


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