
Nigel Springett

Nigel Springett MSc, PGDip Couns, CPsychol

Nigel has worked with hundreds of clients across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australasia who experienced difficulties with their Kundalini awakenings. Tara has trained him in her general approach and specific techniques and she oversees his client work.

In terms of background, following his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, he trained as a professional counsellor. In eight years as a university counsellor, he conducted around five thousand counselling interviews and began publishing papers in reputable academic journals.

In 1986, he initiated a career change by studying Occupational Psychology to the Master’s level. At this time, his commitment to Buddhism grew and he began training in both Zen and Tibetan Buddhist practices. On the professional front, he worked for two Business Psychology consultancies – mostly assessing and developing senior managers – before striking out with his own consultancy practice called Shared Purpose. Nigel’s specialism was to help organisations redefine their purpose and facilitated executive teams to develop strategies to live out their new, shared purpose. He has published several scholarly papers on this topic. Alongside this, he developed a business coaching practice. With this depth of training and experience, the British Psychological Society awarded him the status of Chartered Counselling Psychologist.

In over thirty years of Buddhist practice, Nigel’s main teachers have been Rigdzin Shikpo and His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche to whom he is very grateful. His Kundalini awakening occurred over ten years ago and he is immensely grateful to Tara who helped him navigate through its many difficulties.

Nigel and Tara live in the Southwest of England where they develop their flower garden and enjoy the many beautiful walks in the wilds of nature.

A few testimonials

“Nigel was very calm and friendly, and I felt quite comfortable during our sessions. Before I came to him my life was overtaken by uncomfortable symptoms of Kundalini, and I felt like my emotions were in total control of my life. Nigel helped me realize that these symptoms can often point to energetic blockages. He showed me a few simple yet profound healing mediations and visualizations
that have helped me feel so much better. To anyone dealing with difficult symptoms or emotional anxiety associated with spiritual ascension; I would certainly recommend you work with Nigel!”

“I found Tara and Nigel via their You-Tube channel. At the time I was going through a lot of symptoms from Kundalini awakening.
Their video suggestions on how to relieve head ache/pressure made mine go away within minutes. This convinced me to book a private session via Skype. I had 3 of them with Nigel and they were helpful. By the end of the sessions my energy levels were higher, as I was having a lot of fatigue that disrupted my life for around 2 months. Overall Nigel helped me calm down and remove some fear about what was going on with me. I recommend him for anyone going through highly activated Kundalini.”

“I started working with Nigel when I was having a rough time with the Kundalini process. He gave me some tools for cultivating self-love and compassion that were exactly what I needed at the time, and steered me in a very positive direction.”

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